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Latest News

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award Expedition

The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's Award expedition was a great success over the weekend, with Year 9 and 10 taking part. It has been really good to see DoE restablished after the pandemic put it on hold for a while.

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Students are taking part in sponsored walks to Wye Crown today, which celebrates a historic Jubilee and is visible from school. Monies raised are going to support aid to Ukraine. Other Jubilee events including music and icecream on the field to finish the day. This compliments our tree planting earlier in the year to mark Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee.

End of term fundraising for Ukraine

A great end to the term today with fun activities that raised money to support aid to Ukraine, plenty of sunshine and smiles from staff and students. We hope you all have a great half term.

Silver DoE Expedition

Our Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award group undertook their first expedition last weekend, and our Bronze group the weekend before. Staff accompanying them reported everyone took part well and fun was had by all. The good weather on both weekends helped.

Queen's Green Canopy

We were grateful to receive free saplings from The Woodland Trust as part of their gift to schools to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 2022. They gifted us Silver Birch and Wild Cherry saplings, enough to plant a row of them along some of our external fencing, and make our contribution to The Queen's Green Canopy.

Our Nature Club took charge of the planting.

Donations to Ukrainian refugees

A local organisation asked us to help them fill a lorry with medical and babycare goods to be delivered to Poland to help Ukrainian refugees. We appealed to our students and parents for help and were overwhelmed with generous donations. These were collected and boxed by our 6th Formers and driven to the lorry by our school mini-buses. Thank you to everyone who helped with this effort this week, we hope it can make a small contribution to the people so clearly in need at the moment as they leave Ukraine.

Sixth Form Open Evening

A very vibrant open evening for prospective Sixth Formers was held in November at Wye School. Internal and external Year 11s spoke to subject staff and current 6th Formers about how our relatively new Sixth Form has already shown that it has good results, great university outcomes, small tutorial like classes, expert subject teaching and friendly Sixth Formers who work well as a team. Don't worry if you were unable to attend, we are happy to talk to prospective Sixth Formers from inside and outside Wye School all year, please contact us on

You can get more information on courses available and entry requirements under the Sixth Form tab on this website.

Wye Christmas Street Party

Wye School students and staff enjoyed taking part in the Wye Christmas Street Party. The school provided carol singers and the PTFA ran a fundraising stall.

Athletics taster session

Wye School students attended an athletics taster session at the Julie Rose Stadium tonight and enjoyed middle distance training.

University Talks

Year 11 met an ambassador from the University of Kent who explained to them why they might want to go to university and what they need to do between Year 11 and Year 13 to make that happen. 

Co-curricular programme for Term 2 starts

Co-curricular Period 6 starts for Term 2 today with all students taking part in clubs that they have chosen to match their skills, interests and aspirations. Buses will run an hour later than normal to allow students to attend.

Queen's Green Canopy

Wye School is proud to be taking part in the Queen's Green Canopy:


This marks the jubilee next year of HM The Queen. We have established a conifer sapling this autumn ready to be officially declared our contribution next year. We also look forward to taking part in Wye village's planned jubilee events in June.

Jasmin Vardimon visit

Drama students had an energetic and unique workshop today with locally based, internationally renowned Jasmin Vardimon Educational Company, the charitable arm to Jasmin Vardimon Company which offers exciting education and training programme. Jasmin’s vision to nurture talent and potential is shared with schools who share their passion for dance.


Co-Curricular Clubs and Sport are back

We are pleased that co-curricular sport and clubs including the Duke of Edinburgh Award and Combined Cadet Force have all been able to restart this year. Lots of fun is being had and new skills aquired. The picture shows our U16s boys football team about to play Towers School in a fixture.

Lord Lieutenant Award

Congratulations to Shane Warren, our teacher of English and Combined Cadet Force leader, who went to the Lord Lieutenant awards last night and received an award for the work he did for OPERATION RESCRIPT (Covid effort) as part of the Army Reserve.

A Level Results 2021


~ Sixth Formers’ hard work pays off as they take up places at King’s College, Leeds and Manchester amongst others~

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Year 9 students completed their Bronze Award Practice Expedition. Some got a bit lost but they all kept amazing spirits and did an excellent job setting up their camps. They improved their field skills a lot and are all set to try to complete their award next year.
