Summer Work

Below you will find some optional work over the summer break to support students retention of knowledge and to help them  prepare for the new academic year.

  • Year 7 Summer Learning Guidance



    Key Topics

    Learning Resources



    KS3 Treasure Island


    Course Title: English KS3 Treasure Island

    Course (s):

    All available course (1-6)



    1. Fractions as a diagram 2+3 Adding, Subtracting, Comparing and Ordering Fractions

    1. Finding a Fraction of an Amount
    2. BIDMAS
    3. Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
    4. Expand and Factorise Algebraic Brackets
    5. Algebraic substitution

    Sparx Maths - Independent Learning section of the website. Sparx numbers to search can be found below:

    1. Fractions as a diagram: M158, M410, M671, M939, M601,
    2. Addition and subtraction of fractions: M835, M931,
    3. Comparing and Ordering Fractions: M335, M958,
    4. Fractions of amounts: M695
    5. BIDMAS: M521
    6. Simplifying algebraic terms: M106, M830, M813, M795, M531
    7. Expanding and Factorising algebraic brackets:M288, M237,M792, M100
    8. Algebraic Substitution: M417, M327, M208, M979



    Particles – Distillation, Chromatography, Solubility and saturation.


    Energy: Costs, Energy in Food, Fossil Fuels, Renewable Resources


    Course Title: Science: KS3, Chemistry

    Course(s): Section 2 Particles 2.1.6 Conservation of mass to 2.1.10 Solubility

    Course Title: Science: KS3, Physics

    Course(s): Section 3 Energy 3.1.7 Energy in food to 3.1.11 Renewable energy


    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Science KS3 Particles

    Course(s): Lesson 6 Solutions to Lesson 14 Solubility Practical

    Course Title: Science KS3 Energy

    Course(s): Lesson 12 Energy in Food to Lesson 14 Renewable Energy Resources

    Year 7



    World of Work Development


    Course Title: Geography KS3

    Course(s): Section 8 (Rivers). Section 6 (World of Work). Section 4 (Development)




    Oak Academy

    Courses Title: Geography KS3

    Course(s): Rivers (All 13 Lessons). World of Work (All 11 Lessons).

    Development (All 10 Lessons)



    The Medieval World


    Course Title: History: KS3

    Course(s): Unit 1- The Medieval World. Section 1.4 (King John), Section 1.5 (Magna Carta and Parliament) and Section 1.6 (the Black Death)





    Course Title: French KS3

    Course(s): Topic 1: Family and Home Topic 2: Lifestyle

    Topic 3: School and Jobs

    Topic 6: Grammar (Only Present and Future)





    Course Title: Spanish KS3

    Course(s): Topic 1 Family

    Topic 2 School and Jobs Topic 3 Town and Shopping Topic 4 = Free Time

    Topic 6= Present Tense

    Topic 8= Future Tense

  • Year 8 Summer Learning Guidance




























    Year 8


    Key Topics

    Learning Resources


    KS3 Dystopian Short Stories


    Course Title: English KS3 Dystopian Short Stories


    All available courses (1-3)


    1.Units of measurement 2.Angles in Parallel Lines

    3.Interior and Exterior angles 4.Circumference 5.Proportional reasoning

    1. Fractions, decimals and percentages
    2. Ratio

    Hegarty Maths

    Clips and quiz numbers to search below


    Units of Measurement – 700-701, 705-706, 709-711, Angles in Parallel - 480-483

    Interior and Exterior angles - 561-564 Circumference - 534-538


    Proportional Reasoning – 339 - 341, 739 -742, 763-772

    Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - 73-76, 82-83, 88-90, 96

    Ratio - 328-334


    Space – Gravity, Weight, The Seasons, The Universe


    Periodic Table


    Course Title: Science KS3: Physics

    Course(s): Space Physics section 3.6 3.6.1 Our solar system and 3.6.2 Beyond the solar system

    Course Title: Science KS3: Chemistry

    Course(s): 2.4 Periodic Table, 2.4.4 Groups 1 and 7, 2.4.5 Oxides

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Science KS3

    Course(s): Light and Space - Lesson 11 Gravity to Lesson 15 Seasons

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Science KS3

    Course(s): Atoms and the Periodic Table – All Lessons


    Population Tectonics Coasts


    Course Title: Geography KS3

    Course(s): Section 11 (Tectonics). Section 13 (Global Population). Section 9 (Coasts)

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Key Stage 3 Geography

    Course(s): Tectonics (All 15 lessons); Population (All 13 lessons). Coasts (All 11



    The English Civil War


    Course Title: History KS3

    Course(s): Unit 5 (The English Civil War 642-1660), Sections 5.1-5.4




    Course Title: select age group KS3  

    Course(s): units 1 to 5  

    Unit 6 grammar about tenses is vast so focus on just present and perfect tense


  • Year 9 Summer Learning Guidance


    Year 9





    KS3 Of Mice and Men



    Course Title: English KS3 Of Mice and Men


    All available courses (1-5)


  • Year 10 Summer Learning Guidance


    Key Topics

    Learning Resources


    English Lit:

    AQA GCSE Macbeth


    Course Title: English Lit: AQA GCSE Macbeth


    All available courses (1-5)


    Sets 1 and 2


    Capture & Recapture Standard Form


    Recurring Decimals

    Hegarty Maths

    Clips and quiz numbers to search: Probability: 351-90

    Capture and Recapture: 872-3 Standard Form: 122-9

    Surds: 111-19

    Recurring Decimals: 53-4


    Sets 3 and 4

    Probability Standard Form Simple Interest Ratio (further)

    Hegarty Maths

    Clips and quiz numbers to search: Probability 351-90

    Standard Form 122-9

    Simple Interest 93

    Ratio (further) 330-7

    Science (Combined) Higher Biology

    -Cell          Biology,                 Cell

    Specialisation                                        and Differentiation.


    -Cell Division

    -Movement of Molecules into and out of Cells by Diffusion.

    -Osmosis       and                      Active



    Course Title: Combined Science Biology: AQA GCSE Higher

    Course(s): Bioenergetics 4.1-4.8 Homeostasis and response 5.1 - 5.3

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Key stage 4 Biology

    Course(s): Bioenergetics (HT)

    Homeostasis (HT)

    Science (Combined) Higher Chemistry

    Chemical Changes –


    Reactivity, Displacement & Metal Extraction, Making Salts, Electrolysis


    Course Title: Combined Science Chemistry: AQA GCSE Higher

    Course(s): 4 (4.1-4.4) 4.1 Acids, Alkalis & Redox Reactions, 4.2 Reactivity of Metals, 4.3 Reactions of Acids & 4.4 Electrolysis

    -Completing all of these is estimated between 39-65 mins

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Key stage 4 Combined Science

    Course(s): Chemical changes (HT)  

    Science (Combined) Higher Physics

    Electricity – Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits, Circuit Components, Domestic Electricity and the National Grid, Electrical Power.


    Course Title: Combined Science Physics: AQA GCSE Higher

    Section(s): 2.3 and 2.4

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Key stage 4, Physics, Electricity.

    Lesson(s): 6 - 20

    Science (Combined) Foundation Biology

    Cell Biology, Cell Specialisation and Differentiation, Microscopy, Cell Division, Movement of Molecules into and out of Cells by Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport, how Cells are Organised into tissues & Organs, the Digestive   and Respiratory Systems.


    Course Title: Combined Science Biology: AQA GCSE Foundation

    Course(s): Infection and response 3.1 and 3.2 Homeostasis and response 5.1 - 5.3

    Oak Academy

    Course Title: Key stage 4 Biology

    Course(s): Infection and response lessons 3-6 Homeostasis lessons 8, 10, 12, 14,15