Sixth Form Bursary

The 16-19 Bursary Fund - Information and Application

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is paid by the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) to Schools and Colleges so that they may provide financial help to students whose access to, or completion of, education might be inhibited by financial considerations.

There are 2 types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

  • Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups of up to £1,200 a year
  • Discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, using policies they set in line with the ESFA’s funding rules

You can find the full details of our policy for awarding monies through this fund here.  Application forms allowing you to apply for either of the bursaries above, can be found in the same place. The policy details how Wye School use their bursary fund, our eligibility criteria and our terms and conditions.

When completed applications should be sent to the Head of Sixth Form, Mr Phil Maisey - 

If you have any further queries regarding 16-19 Bursaries please direct them to Mr Phil Maisey -