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School Uniform

Wye School uniform is smart
and should be worn with pride

Whilst wearing uniform, students are representing the School. It signals very clearly that students have come to learn and to be part of Wye School community. The way in which students wear their uniform is one way in which the local community makes judgements about the School. The aim of the Uniform Policy is to create a shared understanding amongst staff, students, and parents/carers about the School’s uniform.

School Uniform

A few key pieces* will need to be purchased through the official suppliers (Pages* - please see details below) but we have tried to ensure that other items can be bought anywhere, enabling parents to consider high street alternatives which might be cheaper. All items of uniform should have names clearly labelled.

Students will wear the correct uniform in the proper way at all times, including journeys between home and School. Blazers must be worn at all times, unless permission has been given from a teacher, or whilst on the MUGA. Parents/carers have the responsibility to send their children to School clean and tidy with correctly name labelled uniform.

*These items of uniform are only available from our uniform supplier, Pages,, Ashford - 01233 501300. For online orders, Pages offer free delivery to the school. 

  • Uniform A

    Compulsory: Wye School blazer with braiding*; white shirt; School tie*; plain charcoal grey trousers; plain navy or black socks.

    Optional: Plain, navy, V-necked jumper under blazer. Plain white vests/T-shirts can be worn under shirts.

    Trousers, where worn, should be tailored, school trousers, straight-legged in style. Trousers made from material such as stretch, heavy cotton, black denim, jersey, linen etc. are not acceptable. Skin-tight trousers, ankle length trousers, leggings and footless tights are not permitted.

  • Uniform B

    Uniform B

    Compulsory: Wye School blazer with braiding*; white blouse; Wye School kilt*, sold with a minimum length of 22”; plain navy or black socks/tights, or natural coloured tights.

    Optional: Plain, navy, V-necked jumper under blazer. White shirt and School tie* can be worn as an alternative to a white blouse. Plain charcoal, loose-fitting trousers can be worn as alternative to the Wye School kilt. Plain white vests/T-shirts can be worn under blouses.

    Trousers, where worn, should be tailored, school trousers, straight legged in style. Trousers made from material such as stretch, heavy cotton, black denim, jersey, linen etc. are not acceptable. Skin-tight trousers, ankle length trousers, leggings and footless tights are not permitted.

  • Outer Garments

    Permitted: Outer garments should be plain in colour with minimal images or logos on them. Shoes should be plain black or navy formal school shoes. Shoes should be plain in style and made of leather, or leather-look.

    Not permitted: Cardigans, sweatshirts, hoodies, leather, leather-look, denim, sleeveless jackets. Also, boots, heeled shoes, platform shoes, trainers and trainer-type shoes. These items will be confiscated regardless of weather.

  • PE Kit

    PE Kit

    On days where students have PE lessons or co-curricular sport, students must bring in their Wye School PE kit.

    Compulsory PE Kit

    Wye School shorts* (all years) or Wye School skort (years 9-11 only)

    Wye School PE T-Shirt*

    White socks and trainers

    Long navy blue socks are required for students who are participating in football, rugby and hockey. A gum shield will be required if students are taking part in rugby or hockey.  Shin pads are also required for hockey.

    Optional PE Kit

    Wye School PE Jumper*. The hood is not to be worn up in buildings, or in line-up.

    Wye School Sports Jacket*

    Plain, navy, V-necked jumper (as for normal school uniform)

    Plain navy blue or black leggings underneath the shorts for warmth or modesty reasons.

    Students should not wear leggings without shorts/skort.

    Plain navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms on top of shorts/skort, which can easily be removed if hot. Not overly 'skinny' or short so that ankles are shown.

    For winter, students are permitted to wear plain navy blue or black skins / long sleeved tops underneath their T-Shirt.

    If your child is ill or injured they will be given a leadership role during PE lessons and will still need to be in kit.  An email or phone call explaining the illness or injury is still required so that PE staff are aware of those students who are not going to participate physically.

    Support with cost of uniform

    Should you require financial assistance with uniform, it is possible to make an application via the Hardship Fund.

  • Second-hand Uniform

    Second-hand Uniform

    Second-hand, branded uniform is available to purchase. Please visit the Pages website to obtain a guide to sizing. Contact the school Reception in order to find out when the next uniform sale will take place.

    Support with cost of uniform

    Should you require financial assistance with uniform, it is possible to make an application via the Hardship Fund.

  • Hair and Accessories

    Hair styles should be reasonable, appropriate and neat. Hairstyles must not be worn in a way that is covering the eyes. Extreme, unnatural hair colours or mixture of colours (including dipping and other forms of colouring) and any patterned, shaved hairstyles are not permitted. Hair bands and headscarves/hair coverings/wraps/beads must be plain grey, brown, navy or black and have no or minimal patterning/wording.

    Make-up, where worn, must be minimal and discreet. Nail varnish must not be worn. We will ask that any excessive make-up or nail varnish is removed. Nail extensions and fake nails are not permitted as they pose health and safety risks.

    Jewellery is not permitted. The only exception is small, plain studs, one per ear lobe. No other piercings on the ear, or elsewhere, are permitted. Please contact us if you wish your child to wear an item of jewellery for religious reasons.

  • Health and Safety Advice
    • The wearing of personally designed mouth-guards is recommended as a valuable means of protection. Care should be taken to ensure they fit properly.
    • Studded boots for football, hockey and rugby in the winter terms; these can be plastic or metal studs.
    • Students will need trainers or Astro-turf shoes for hockey
    • All long hair must be tied back.
    • All jewellery must be removed for PE and Games lessons.
    • Inhaler- if used- must be brought to every lesson and fixtures.
    • Diabetic testing kits should be used prior to, and brought to every lesson and fixture.  Students should make PE staff aware if they need to sit out to monitor their levels.  They should do this in sight of the PE staff.
  • Ensuring Compliance

    Inappropriate items of clothing or jewellery will be removed from the student and can be collected at the end of the school day. Repeat breaches of the rules by any student will be communicated to parents and may result in a longer term confiscation of items. 

    Students not wearing full or correct uniform will be challenged and temporary loan stock issued where possible. Should a student refuse the request to change their uniform into an item being loaned from School stock, or refuse to remove any makeup/ or jewellery, this will be addressed as defiance and the student will be sent to the Withdrawal room. For PE, students without correct PE kit will be set a lunchtime detention. We do not loan PE kit.

    Students may be asked to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the School rules on appearance or uniform. This should be no longer than is necessary to remedy the breach. This is not an exclusion but will be deemed an authorised absence. If neither of these options are possible, the student will be expected to work separately from other students. Parents will always be contacted prior to a student being sent home to change. If the student continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, or takes longer than is necessary to effect the change, the student’s absence will be counted as unauthorised. If a student’s disregard of uniform policy is persistent and defiant, this will be considered a behaviour issue and may lead to exclusion. Parents will be asked to resolve any uniform issue promptly.

    The Principal, or another member of the senior leadership team, reserves the right to make a final decision with regards to uniform, jewellery or hairstyles deemed to be unacceptable.

  • Before, During and After School

    Students are expected to wear correct uniform on journeys to and from Wye School and throughout the school day. On entry to School, uniform will be checked by duty staff. All staff will check, challenge and correct uniform throughout the school day. Students are to leave School in their uniform (there may be some occasions when PE kit is worn after a sports club/fixture). On leaving School at the end of a day, uniform will be checked by duty staff.

  • Confiscated Items

    Confiscating students’ property is a legitimate sanction provided that there is a good reason for so doing and that the length of time the article is confiscated is reasonable.

    Confiscated items will be labelled to include the student’s name and year group and stored at Student Reception in a safe place.

    Items can be collected by the student from Student Reception at the end of the school day. It is the students’ responsibility to collect the item at the end of the school day. If the issue is serious enough for a longer period of confiscation, e.g. repeat offences, then parents/carers will be informed and may be requested to collect the item(s) from the School. Property will not be withheld for longer than a half term. At the end of a half term remaining items are handed back to the student.

  • Exemptions

    Wye School recognises that some students may have genuine grounds for requesting an exemption from part of this policy. In such cases contact should be made with the School.

    If students or parents/carers are in doubt about an item of uniform, they should contact the School before doing so. This avoids unnecessary expense in buying items which are unacceptable. Any items purchased from Pages are compatible with our policy requirements. This is our preferred method for purchasing any uniform items.

  • Seasonal Variations

    Winter coats and jackets should be plain in colour with minimal images or logos on them. Outdoor garments must be removed when indoors, unless permission is given by a member of staff.

    During the summer we may experience hot weather. During this time we decide on a daily basis if it is a ‘non-blazer’ day. Students are expected to continue to wear their blazer to School, as we have formal events during the day when their blazer must be worn.

    During the Summer Term only: plain, charcoal grey, tailored shorts with black or navy socks are permitted in place of trousers for Uniform A.

  • School Trips

    If students are participating in a school trip, the trip leader will state if uniform is to be worn or not. When uniform is worn on school trips it is worn to the same standards as it would be in School. If it is a non-uniform trip then the clothing should be suitable and practical to the event being attended, without excessive make-up or jewellery. The representation of students on school trips is one way the community makes judgements about Wye School.

  • Non-Uniform Events

    For any non-uniform events in Wye School, students are expected to wear sensible clothing; no offensive pictures/logos or outfits which display midriffs or underwear should be worn. Nail extensions, false nails, high-heeled footwear and sliders/flip flops are not permitted on health and safety grounds. Students not meeting the criteria will be expected to wear an item from our loan stock or will be sent home to change. If a student has PE on a non-uniform day, they will need to bring their PE kit to school to change into for their PE lesson.  Jewellery, if worn, will need to be removed prior to PE lessons.

    The Principal, or another member of the senior leadership team, reserves the right to make a final decision with regards to whether non-uniform clothing is acceptable or not.