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Inspirational Teaching

Our focus at Wye School is on creating a climate for outstanding teaching and learning. 

We believe that all students are entitled to access a broad and balanced curriculum which is taught in a stimulating environment. Our focus on Quality First Teaching ensures that students have access to effective, high quality and personalised teaching during every lesson.  

To ensure that this happens, our teaching and learning practice is underpinned by the Rosenshine Principles of Instruction.

Rosenshine’s principles can be summarised below and make up what we believe to be effective practice in classrooms. These should not be considered a check-list for what we expect to see in every lesson, however these components may comprise individual lessons or can be seen across sequences of lessons dependent on the subject and content being taught.

  • Prior review
  • Instructional core (I>we>you):
  • Demonstration (explanation and modelling) of new material in small steps
  • Guided practice with prompts and scaffolds
  • Independent practice with monitoring and feedback from teacher
  • Future review

Our practice is also supported by Doug Lemov’s Teach Like a Champion techniques. These techniques ensure that high expectations and effective teaching and learning are present in every classroom across the school and give teachers at Wye School a common language through which high quality teaching can be implemented and developed.