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Applying For a Place

As an oversubscribed school we get many requests for individual tours. We offer these in early summer and autumn as organised events, please see the website nearer the time on how to book. At other times of the year we will only offer a tour if you have contacted us about a place and there is one available. Please read on about how to apply for Year 7 or Year 8-11. For Sixth Form, please see the Sixth Form section of the website.

Admissions to Wye School

Wye School is socially, academically and culturally inclusive and welcomes applications from all. Each of the 90 places in each year group is free of charge and open to students of all abilities. As such there is no selection by ability or faith. Arrangements for admissions are clear and fair and the school abides by the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeals Code. Prospective students and their parents will be offered the opportunity to visit the school before making an application for a place.

Wye School's Admission Policy (for September 2024 entry) can be accessed here. 

Wye School's Admission Policy (for September 2025 entry) can be accessed here.

Year 7 Places

Kent County Council (KCC) has co-ordinated admissions arrangements for all schools in the local area for entry into Year 7. Wye School participates in this scheme and so most applications are made directly to KCC. The closing date for ‘in time’ applications for September 2025 is 31 October 2024 and KCC will accept late applications up to 17th March 2025. After that date, applications should be made directly to the school. Please consult your primary school in the first instance for up to date dates and procedures and for Wye School specific questions email

Offers of places

Offers of places for September 2025 will be sent out by Kent County Council on 3 March 2025 via email and post. You should respond to that offer directly to the school by the deadline set on your offer.

Waiting lists

Should you be unsuccessful in the first round of offers but wish to be placed on our waiting list, please complete the waiting list form (enclosed in your offer letter pack) and return to KCC, no later than the date set on your offer. Not all first round offers are accepted, so second round offers have always been available from the waiting list thus far. KCC will make offers from the waiting list on or before 24 April 2025. After that date, the waiting list is held by the school and further places usually become available in June or early July. Joining our waiting list is the most likely way to secure a place.


If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Monday 3 March 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Monday 31 March 2025 for it to be considered by Monday 17 June 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.

Applications for Places in Other Year Groups (In Year Admissions)

Wye School is over subscribed and all year groups are currently full. However, places occasionally become available and we maintain waiting lists for all years. If you wish to apply for a place in another year group at Wye School, please telephone the school to ask about current availability and then complete the In Year Admittance Form found here. This should be returned to the Principal's PA at Wye School.

Existing Parent View

A parent of multiple years wrote:

'We are great supporters of the school, being now on our fourth to be with you and can honestly say, they have all blossomed in your care personally and academically.'

A parent of a new Year 7 student wrote to us:

'I hope you are well, I just want to say a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart to yourself and your support team there at Wye.

After having what can only be described as some worrying years throughout X's education whilst within the Primary school setting due to the lack of support it has been so reassuring to see how happy X is at Wye. In her own words X has said how she feels so much happier at Wye and that she feels so very much supported in class. Even in such a short time her self confidence seems to have grown. I could not be happier with our choice of school and that is from my experience as a mum, from the ladies who answer the school phone right the way through. I just felt compelled to let you know.'

One of the parents that chose Wye School in 2013 recently wrote to us:

"As one of the “originals” we took our chances on Wye (with little to go on at the time except dedicated staff and imagination) loving the ethos and the location. How blessed we have been in making that choice as we have watched the school go from strength to strength, changing and growing in many ways, now with another child already with you and another due you may take your “blessing” of many of our children as a great compliment of your success.

More than education you provided our child with a safe, fun and family feel place to be educated, that’s no mean feat in today’s world. They have grown in confidence, made friends, learnt to communicate with adults and become a happy well rounded adult, more than a little of this due to you all. Our young adults may not always appreciate these things at this time or even recognise them but they will surely value them in the future."

A parent of a Year 10 who joined us as an In Year Admission wrote:

"I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone at school for welcoming X this September. She is so happy and motivated, she loves going to school and has made friends so so quickly. Everyone was so friendly to her, staff and peers and she is coming back from school happy and without negativity. 

Moving from Y was a big step for us and having such a wonderful school acceptance she has transitioned without any problems.'"

Determined Admissions Arrangements 2025/26

Consultations are now open for the following local schools:

There are currently no open consultations