Work experience is a valuable way to learn, first hand, about the world of work and about a specific role or industry. It provides the opportunity to develop a range of skills: communication; interpersonal; organisational; time-keeping; administrative; and more. All Year 10 and Year 12 students are encouraged to participate in work experience during Enrichment Week.
Often, the simplest way of arranging work experience is through family, or family friends. Ask parents/carers if they know anybody who might be willing to take you on for work experience. Even one day in the workplace can provide invaluable insight. Inset Days are an excellent time to undertake work experience.
The CXK website provides useful tips on how to find work experience.
The Kent Choices website has a work experience finder to help students find opportunities.
There are also many virtual opportunities available to experience the world of work.
Work Experience Booklet
Once you have found a work experience opportunity, you will need to complete a Work Experience Placement Form.
WEX Placement Form
Following work experience, we encourage all students to complete a Work Experience Record Sheet.
WEX Record Sheet