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Latest News

Year 11 Food Tasting Menu

Year 11 students treated staff to a tasting menu today. The rumour that the Principal ate everything is not true.................

Macbeth Homework

Year 8s displaying their impressive Macbeth homework in which they designed props to accompany their written responses to the tragedy.

Landscaping underway

Provision of footpaths, coach parking, car parking, bike storage and an outdoors social area between the two buildings has started. The pictures show the views towards the field and towards the Kempe Centre from the Margaret Williams Building. 

Half Term Ski Trip

Our half term Ski Trip this year to Piancavallo, Italy, was very successful. 40 pupils traveled, of all different skiing abilities, to tackle the slopes just south of the Alps. They all had a thoroughly good time and have definitely improved their skiing skills.

Secretary of State for Education Visit

After touring the school and meeting staff, students and parents, Damian Hinds tweeted 'Thank you to Wye School nr Ashford today for the opportunity to hear about this free school’s impressive story since 2013.'

Updated League Tables

Updated League Table results are available at the following link:

Luke Magee, Principal of Wye School, said:

“In our first year of GCSE results as a school, we are delighted that our students have made above national average progress from their individual starting points. Across our school, we have worked to create a culture of high expectations and our students have thrived in this environment. These results lay strong foundations for younger cohorts, and for our first group of Sixth Formers, as we continue to establish our school following our move into our state-of-the-art new buildings.”


BBC Radio Kent interviewed Dr Gowen about our results.  To listen to the broadcast, you can hear her from one hour 26 minutes into the programme at the following link:


Move complete

After a busy five days we moved out of our temporary classrooms, removed half of them from the site, and moved into our new classrooms. We have installed the technology and furniture and are now ready to welcome back the students to the Margaret Williams Building. Mr Magee thanks everyone involved for all their hard work.

Brexit debate with Damian Green MP

After visiting Wye School and debating Brexit with our 6th Formers and interested Year 11s, our local MP tweeted:

'Thanks to Wye School 6th form for a lively session on Brexit and votes for 16-year-olds. Broadly, they oppose the first and favour the second.'

Move underway.....

It is our packing day, the temporary classrooms are being packed up, and as we finish each one, moved by a crane and put on a lorry. 

Spanish Exchange

Colegio Cabrini students spent a week at Wye School, they had fun and we enjoyed meeting European teenagers.

Excellent results announced

66% of students achieved five or more 9-4/A*-C grades including English and Maths in the new, tougher, GCSEs, higher than the national average and likely to be higher than all other local non-selective schools when the tables are published.
