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  • How many students go to Wye School?

    Our standard entry number is 90 in each year group, forming 3 classes. Our Sixth Form has a limit of 75 in each year, 150 overall.  We are therefore a school of just under 600 students, the smallest local secondary school.

  • What pastoral support is in place for KS5 students?

    As we are a school rather than a college, students are still assigned to form groups with a tutor who they see every day. This means that they have a small group of peers and a tutor who they see very regularly, and who can offer support and advice. Additionally, our Sixth Form Administrator and Head of Sixth Form are on hand to provide pastoral support where needed.

  • What is United Learning?

    An educational trust with charitable status that runs more than 60 state schools across England, as well as independent schools. Locally it runs Ashford School and the new Chilmington Green Free School. The benefit of being part of United Learning is that we get to share resources and experiences from a chain of successful schools in a way that benefits us as a small school. For example, our tests are centrally produced and moderated so we can be sure that the marks we give are accurate and comparable across England. So even though we are small and only have one music teacher, she works with the wider United Learning music team.

  • Do you get good results?

    In 2023, 65% went to university, 35% to an apprenticeship or employment

    Yes, our progress measure at GCSE (how students did compared to other students of the same ability nationally) has always been above national, Kent and local average and higher than any other local non-selective as well as some grammars. Our attainment measure (how many top grades) places us above all other local non-selective schools. At A level, 93% of our first cohort got the university place they wanted, with 50% going to the more prestigious universities from the Russell Group. Every year, our Sixth Form students are supported to reach their chosen destination, whether that be university, an apprenticeship or traineeship, or employment.

  • What personal development opportunities do you offer?

    We offer the full range of sport and co-curricular clubs that you would expect at a secondary school including taking part in local sports fixtures and running a Combined Cadet Force and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 

    We have a school allotment and work with the local Community Farm. We won the 2020 Green School Award locally for the work of our Nature Club. We offer peripatetic music lessons and have music, art, photography, and drama departments for creative pursuits.

    Additionally, our Sixth Form students are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the school. We have a House system, and our sixth form leadership team are instrumental to organising charity events and assemblies to raise awareness and funds for the school's chosen charities.

    There are a wealth of opportunities for our sixth formers to volunteer with younger students, including our Guided Reading programme, Peer Mentoring, supporting with our co-curricular clubs and in class.

    We offer a ‘life skills’ course for all Sixth Form students. This covers applications to UCAS, careers, how to apply for apprenticeships, how to manage your finances, how to cook for yourself, wellbeing and teamwork amongst other topics.

    Students are all given a dedicated mentor at Key Stage 5 who takes them through the careers process and UCAS applications where this is relevant. Our highly individualised approach means that students are well supported when deciding on their future.

    All students at Wye are provided with a ‘Unifrog’ account. This is an excellent application for searching relevant careers and making relevant applications. It means that students can readily seek our advice and be provided with suggestions and guidance as to how to move forward with their plans in a very timely manner.

    All Sixth Form students receive a one to one independent careers advice and guidance session via CXK to help support them in their next steps. 

  • How do students get to school?

    Most students use designated Kent County Council school transport. This ranges from big buses that go to Ashford and smaller minibuses and taxis that go to the villages. Local students walk and cycle. We discourage parent pick up and drop off as the village is a congested one but where necessary we have a parent parking and drop off area. Sixth Formers can drive and parking is available on site. 

  • Sixth Form Dress Code

    The new policy will be active from September 2024. It is designed to reflect the uniform code of modern workplaces whilst being as cost effective as possible.

    • Tailored shirts, tailored blouses or polo shirts.
    • Tops that are suitable for the workplace e.g. no spaghetti straps, strapless, low cut, see through or revealing midriffs.
    • Skirts or dresses that are a suitable length for the workplace.
    • Tailored trousers or chinos.
    • Knee length tailored shorts.
    • Footwear – no scruffy trainers, high heels, flip flops, sliders or croc style shoes.
    • Hair, facial hair and makeup should be suitable for the working environment.
    • No hats indoors.
    • No large logos, slogans or graphics on any item of clothing.
    • No hoodies, jeans, cargo trousers or leisure wear.


    • Mobile phones and headphones – students are permitted to use their phones and headphones in the designated Sixth Form area only. They should not be visible anywhere else on the school site.
    • Lanyards – as part of our child protection policy, all students are required to always wear lanyards whilst on the school site.
    • No energy drinks.

    Sports Kit

    Tracksuit bottoms, non-hooded jumper, sports skirt or shorts, and polo top.

    Footwear and team kit as appropriate to your sport.

    The Sixth Form dress code is not exhaustive in defining acceptable and unacceptable standards of dress and appearance. The final decision on whether you are deemed inappropriately dressed will be made by either the Head of Sixth Form or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

    Any member of the Sixth Form who does not conform to the dress code or who is considered inappropriately dressed will be sent home to change and will be asked to report back to a member of the Sixth Form Team on return.