An occasional update from our Sixth Form students on their experience at Wye

Eco Chairperson / Club activities (EK)

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/ Categories: Student Blog

Hello, my name is Elliot King, I am the chairperson of Wye School’s Eco Committee and have been in the position for a majority of our time in Year 12. My position is based around running the committee meetings and helping reps in other years towards achieving the goals the Eco Committee work towards. It is a fulfilling role in which has enabled me to make real changes around the school and help drive Wye school towards a more sustainable future. 

I am also a student that volunteers in club activities, primarily the chess club. It is a role that has not only helped me with the concept of teaching others but also teaching myself. I have been able to improve my ability at not only chess but my professional conduct, trying to be a role model for younger years. I have had to adapt my manner to be more mature which has proved to be beneficial outside of school in things such as mentorships or other academic activities.

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