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First set of A Level Results

First set of A Level Results

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93% achieve first choice university, 50% a prestigious Russell Group university.

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At Wye School we are definitely in the mood for socially-distanced celebrations following our first A level successes. We acknowledge that these were not exam based results and so are not to be used for league tables and school comparisons but as our first set of results, based on the hard work of our students, we want to celebrate them.  Our Year 13 students should be very proud of their achievements.  At GCSE this cohort surpassed their predictions by an average of nearly a third of a grade, and at A level they have again made above average progress. In October, 93% of our students who applied will be starting their courses at their first-choice universities with 50% going to the country’s more prestigious Russell Group universities.  One student gained an unbeatable three A* grades. However, life is about setting personal targets and with not a single failed A level, we are proud of all of our students who took on the challenge of A level studies, some of whom having joined us from other local schools.  We wish all of our students the very best of luck in their futures. 

Chosen universities include Durham, where Eva will be studying History and Mark Geography, Leeds, where Josh will be studying International Relations, Exeter, where Callum will be studying Politics, Finlay Geography and Jess the Arts, and Edinburgh where Denya will be studying English and Linguistics. 

Most of our 2020 leavers literally grew with Wye School, from our opening in September 2013, when our building was the partly converted former Wye College library and computer centre, and when most teachers were taller than the students.  As they grew they witnessed a  huge building project growing around them.  We now enjoy facilities which staff and students love and are the envy of local schools. 

So, what does Principal, Luke Magee credit for the School’s success?  “This year has tested us all and we could not be happier with this year’s A level outcomes, we are justifiably proud of all of our students.  Wye is a small and friendly community, and with fewer than 100 students in the Sixth Form, we know our students well and support them as individuals.  Though it was our first voyage through A levels, we have small class sizes and an experienced staff with great subject knowledge and experience.  Very pleasingly all of our students are all well placed to pursue their education and careers in an ever-changing world.  We hope that the 2020 leavers will look back at their rather unusual experiences and be happy with the way that they coped and supported each other.  We anticipate similar outcomes next year with a significantly larger Sixth Form.”
