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Talented Linguists take part in the University of Brighton MFL Spelling Bee

Talented Linguists take part in the University of Brighton MFL Spelling Bee

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On Friday 25th April 2014, four of our most successful linguists, Nathalie Sarbanovic, Louis Brooks, James Hopper and Elliot Carlton, travelled all the way to the University of Brighton to take part in the regional finals of the Foreign Languages Spelling Bee competition. They competed against 26 other schools from the South East region and truly did Wye School proud, as competition was fierce and this was the first time they had taken part in a competition of this kind.


Some of our students were able to spell an amazing 13 words in a minute correctly, under the pressure of performing before an audience! The school would like to congratulate those students who took part and thank those parents who accompanied their children to the event. It is hoped that Nathalie, Louis, James and Elliot will be able to use their experiences to help Wye School next year prepare the new year 7 students to take part in this competition.


Elliot Carlton said afterwards: ‘It was a unique experience to go to the Spelling Bee and I was amazed by the other competitors. Although we did not win, it was really cool.  I wish good luck to next year’s competitors.’
