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Let's Get Cooking

Let's Get Cooking

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Let’s Get Cooking.

I finally got my wish this week to get all students at Wye School cooking! Thanks to the money from a bid to the Beerling Foundation, I have been able to purchase some trangias (Swedish army camping gas stoves). The science lab doubled up as a temporary food technology room, when the weather was looking threatening. Before you worry, a full clean down had been done and the front benches are never used for chemicals!

Students worked in groups to make a simple balanced meal of tuna, vegetables and pasta in a tomato based sauce. Students had a great time and did very well to make the meal, get washed up and eat it, all in 55 minutes! You may well have even sampled it at home this week, as many students were so enthused that they said they were going to go home and cook it for their families. For others it was the first meal that they had made, or first time they had even washed up. So now they know, you can get them on the case!   S Phillips.  
